Posts in Dabbles
London in the Fall.

On that solo London trip last November, I was walking back to my hotel from dinner and found myself down one of those strange streets that feels like a walkway, lined with doors with little more than a small step separating them from the rest of the world. Coming from an American city, this has always kind of freaked me out but they are ridiculously charming.

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Remember travel?

In November 2019, I took a solo five-day trip to London. On my final day, I found myself wandering through the sculpture galleries of the Victoria & Albert Museum in Kensington. There were so many beautiful interpretations of humanity posed and put on pedestals, but one in particular caught my eye. It was simply beautiful and so quiet in the echo-filled hall. I’m that person who likes to stare at art for inordinate amounts of time and I took all the time in the world to look at this terracotta masterpiece.

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Collaging Journals.

When I was in high school, I was obsessed with collaging. I had Mod Podge-covered binders and notebooks coated with packing tape. My closet was filled with the product of dozens of ink cartridges and teen magazines, and my walls and lockers were collaged shrines to pop stars and movies like Pirates of the Caribbean and Lord of the Rings.

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Why hello there.

I’ve been spending a lot of time with myself and clearly lockdown might be getting to me just a bit.... When this was originally saved, it shuffled all the frames of the GIF. Now it's weirder than ever and it lives in infamy.

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Little Yellow House.

Way to Grow, an early childhood education nonprofit in Minneapolis, turns 30 this year. We’re getting ready to move into a fancy new office to accommodate our expanding staff and needs, but decades ago, Way to Grow started inside this little yellow house on Oliver Ave. in North Minneapolis.

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You're hand lettered, Harry.

Despite having graduated from school only last month, I’m apparently already craving learning in my life. Or perhaps it’s the fact that as I look toward the next phase of my career, I see places where I want to grow and strengths I want to add to my toolbox. Regardless, lettering and illustration have both been uncomfortable places for me so I decided to take on Jessica Hische’s new Skillshare last weekend.

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