George Floyd.


George Floyd. Know his name and his face. Then, white friends, dig deep inside yourself and question why it is we stand behind institutions that continue to hurt, why we choose to believe the authorities we put in power rather than the people they oppress, and why this continues to happen even when we say "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook and sometimes cops are fired for murder.

We have to take a good look at ourselves because what we'll see is that this toxicity is systemic and woven into our society and in turn our lives. It manifests itself through our obsession with our own privilege and fear of empowering someone else. It's when we believe the lies society told us instead of acknowledging the ways in which our lives and choices are complicit. It's so much easier to look away, to not watch the video, to turn up your AirPods and keep walking. White supremacy relies on us to move on.

When we choose not to see white supremacy and instead feel personally attacked when our privilege is called out, we are complicit. When we decide to center our own feelings rather than see discomfort as a call to action, we are complicit. This system, our complicit lives, it's what's killing our neighbors. Friends, Minneapolis, America, we have to be better and we have to radically reimagine our world.

Policing as we know it right now, was never built to protect everyone. It was built to protect white supremacy. "We can and must orient ourselves to a world beyond policing as it is currently designed, where we build real safety for all members of our community, or we will stay caught in the same cycle of state sanctioned murder of Black men in the streets, outrage, and failed reform, on and on, that we’ve been in for decades." Read the post below—let's start reimagining something where everyone can live and breathe. And let's get some damn justice.