Photo by Alycia Lovell for Lodged Out.

Photo by Alycia Lovell for Lodged Out.

My name is Maren Nelson.

Graphic Designer & Strategist in Minneapolis, MN

My goal is to make work that solves problems and brings beauty and joy into everyday life.

A former art history major turned communications and marketing maven, I've been known to get weak in the knees in front of old masters, good branding, and the occasional Instagram post. Made of equal parts pragmatism and sass, I take pride in being a mission-based designer and strive to tell meaningful stories through beautiful visuals and strategic design thinking. My hope is everything I create positively impacts others and the greater community, all while injecting the world with a bit of fun.

With strengths in branding systems, print and web design, exhibit design, and storytelling, I enjoy the challenge of creating beautiful yet functional pieces. I see my role as a creative professional as more than just “making things looks pretty.” I bring my systems thinking into every project, evaluating all components and needs, and not settling for anything less than the best solution possible.

My personal style is heavily influenced by my Nordic roots, 90s nostalgia, analogue texture, collage, and brassiness. That said, I also understand the great responsibility of caring for and carefully telling someone else's story. If you are looking for an innovative designer with a strategic mind to help share your story with the world, let's talk!



Want more info? Resume available here.

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Do it for the gram.

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